Again, it has been a while. Wemnog and I have been busy streaking over the last month. This blooming awful August challenge has meant us doing something that we really didn't want to get in to. Finding a cache a day.
Neither of us are enjoying it, but now that we are near the end we will continue. We have managed every day so far, but it has been a bind. I certainly admire all those who can go for long streaks of caching, but sorry, it's not for me.
The important news is that my new venture, Cache Tags is doing really well. Sales are increasing all the time. I seem to be constantly at the post office. Sales to Norway and the USA are amazing, I sent three packages to Norway a couple of days ago.
If you want to see more you can find details here which is the Ebay shop or here which is the website. The Ebay shop is more up to date at the moment as we are currently struggling to find time to update the site, however it should be up to date by the end of the weekend.
If you see anything on Ebay that you fancy, just email me rather than buying it through there as it will obviously save on fees.
We are off to Great Yarmouth in the next couple of weeks to visit family and hopefully get some caching done. Other destinations planned are Brecon where my eldest son is now working and possibly a trip to Anglesey.
Again, apologies for the very hit and miss nature of the blog at the moment. I will try and do better.
One last thing, my man and I passed our 2000 mark last weekend. Very chuffed about that.
Happy caching.