28 Aug 2011

Ebay Shop

There has been an increased amount of traffic on the blog for the last couple of days, and I happy to report that due to this more people have been linking to our Ebay shop and sales have increased remarkably. As goes to show, any publicity, in whatever situation is good.

Just to let you know, that new stock will be in within the next few days.

Current stock on show in the shop includes

Victorian and King George V Post Box geocoins

Gemini North Telescope geocoins

Border Collie Geocoins

UK Map geocoins

Metal First Stage multi cache tags

Metal Munzee tags

Due in soon,  Icache coins, Apple coins, World Traveller coins and many more.

Keep an eye open, many more due soon.

Happy caching.


Becky Mason said...

Hi Daryl,

See you have been getting some hassle on the forums. Don't worry though, it made me look at your blog again and reminded me about the shop. Sufficit to say I am glad to see that you have some new stock due in and I will be ordering shortly, unless you will have stuff at the next event?

See you there. Becky x

Arthur Pendragon said...

Hi Becky, yep there will be some stock at the next lot of events. If you see anything in the shop that you fancy let me know. Cheers, Daryl