29 Apr 2011

A Few More Caches and Some Facts & Figures


Well we have been a little bit busier on the caching front since I last blogged. We had a car to remap down in Tunbridge Wells so took the opportunity to do just four caches whilst down there. It also gave me a chance to drop a couple of trackables off.

The four caches visited were Mole's SOS A Road Anarchy A21 http://coord.info/GC1VECW one of the nicer of the A Road Anarchy series, this one set just outside a public rest area with a nice park where the dogs, and us could stretch our legs. Onwards we then visited and found Mole's SOS - Hill View#7 Bidborough Ridge http://coord.info/GC1TF0E There should have been very clear views from this one, but we were there on the first weekend in years where there had been a smog warning, and yes, there was smog. The great thing about this cache though was that there was an SD card in the cache. The cache owner had asked that anyone who had a camera with them install the SD card and take a picture before replacing. This we did, a nice twist on leaving a disposable camera in a cache which is what we have found a few times.

Our third cache of the day was Beyond The Traffic Jam http://coord.info/GC23N5A, a nice simple drive by but set in another park with great views. Finally we visited Sweeps Cave http://coord.info/GC283FT this was a good cache and the best of the day, I awarded this one a favourite point. We found a TB in this cache ~ ref TB1F819 which I couldn't resist picking up  as it was a little black and white dog. What with our three being with us, I thought it appropriate. Blends in well, don't you think?

Spot the dog TB

Then sadly it was time to head home, not the most found in a day but it did give my GAGB coin a few more miles to add to its total.

On the Easter Bank Holiday Monday we decided to have a look at the Geocache Trails website http://www.geocachetrails.com/ to see what localish caches there were to us. We plumpled for the Lincs Village Runaround Series. We didn't get off to a good start, we couldn't find Number 1! This series was a definate one to do by car, although there was a bit of walking as well.
http://coord.info/GC25QQV During the walking part we did come across one sign that has to be a cachers least favourite sign!

A cachers least favourite sign!

however we did find the rest, except for the bonus, which we will get back to another time. Including the bonus there were 21 caches, so in the day we found 19 of them. Towards the end of the series we had to make a bit of a diversion as this happened to us!

It didn't cause too many problems though as we just parked the Jeep up and walked through, the cache was just over the other side of the roadworks.

 It certainly was a nice day for it and gave us a chance to have lunch in one of the village pubs beer gardens. We saw some interesting places, see the pics below. The farmhouse was a sad site and we both wished we had the money to buy somewhere like that and buy it. It would make a wonderful B&B.

We would have loved to have an explore around the buildings but thought that we better hadn't, given the security sign on the gate!

It was nice to be able to park up though and do a few of the caches on foot.

Another cache in the series was found just near this old coalyard so we took a pic of another little old building and the sign just nearby.

We also managed to fit in a couple more of the Skeg To Ness series as well. We went for a third, but the young and vicious nettles beat us.


I thought I would finish this edition of the blog with a couple of facts and figures from me.
Firstly, my most visited cache, this one hasn't really been out for that long but has the most visits, perhaps not surprising really as it is in the city centre. Beggar's Belief http://coord.info/GC2JDG0 last found two days ago is currently at 139 finds.
My furthest travelled TB is called Little Soldier, it has currently travelled 21,113 miles and is in Maine, USA at the time of blogging.

My furthest travelled geocoin is my Earthday coin which has travelled a distance of 14,485 miles, this one is in Austria at the moment. It spent quite a lot of time in Malaysia.

The cache which causes people to stop and think a while is my Kegworth ~ 1989 cache http://coord.info/GC267FP and the cache which causes most frustration is my CCP ~ Two Bridges cache http://coord.info/GC22EF1 which stands at 44 DNF's on it. The cache that hasn't been visited for the longest is Babbling http://coord.info/GC1N3PC which had its last logged visit on January 24th this year!

Including events that I have run I have now placed 99 caches, this includes two camping events, one archived, one still to do, the recent Flash Mob and another event. Currently still active I have 76 caches.
That's it, another bank holiday weekend, don't know where it will take us, but I do know that we are off to Wales next week for a few days and the GPS is already loaded. Have another great bank holiday folks.
Happy caching.

1 comment:

Fermentum said...

Really love the dogs, I bet they are a lot of fun when out and about.

Thinking of where I can place my first Cache but not going to allow myself to do that until I hit the 100 finds milestone. 63 and counting!

Shame about the house, maybe one day it will be restored to something beautiful. Wonder what the history is and why its now in that state. Most likely the crappy economy at the moment.

I didn't realise what the security sign said until I zoomed in. NightHawk, sounds deadly!

Happy Caching and thanks for the read!