Well, it has been a quiet few days on the caching front, with only two to add to my numbers.
I have never really been one to chase the first to finds, though I do hold my hands up to those who do, some of them amaze me at how quickly they get to them after publication. I did go and get one on Wednesday morning last week. The notification came up and as I had nothing to do decided to go for it. I got there within half an hour of the first ting on my computer. This was the cache http://coord.info/GC2BG84
I must admit, I still thought that I would be beaten to it by my good caching friend Northking, only to find out later that it was his wedding day, so he couldn't really chase it! My second cache was yesterday, I dropped my son off at home in New Mills, in Derbyshire and as I had the GPS with me had a quick look at what was around. One that I had been meaning to do for some time popped up as being the nearest so I did that one. An interesting story behind this house, I was always told that the house Peep O Day was so called because the chap who had it built put a window in, so that as the first light of dawn came the sun would shine on his new brides head as she lay sleeping in her bed. How true it is, I don't know. That cache has been going for quite some time http://coord.info/GC19A15.
Hopefully Wemnog and I will get more caches this week. We are planning on camping again at the weekend, so fingers crossed.
The Geocaching Association Of Great Britain, an excellent site for cachers in the UK has had some competition this week. This is an ongoing saga between a couple of East Midlands cachers who seem intent on trying to cause trouble for everyone in the caching community, not just in the East Midlands but nationwide. They previously set up another site, icache, and that failed due to their inability to be civil to its members, banning people left, right and centre for questioning some of their motives. It will be interesting to see what this new site of theirs does,it is already getting slated on the main national forums, and quite rightly.
Planning for the camping event in September ~ http://coord.info/GC2B8HZ goes on apace.
I am in the middle of negotiating with the pub and cafe which are very near to the site as to whether they would allow caravans to park up on their car parks for either one or two nights as unfortunately caravans can't get on to the camping field, due to the angle of the gate and adjoining dry stone walls.
Quite a few people have now posted Will Attends, so it is shaping up to be a good one.
Already planned for the Saturday evening is a barbeque, with cachers bringing their own food to cook, we will provide the gas barbeque. If the weather isn't too good we will have a gazebo up to cook in.
The quiz sheet is already completed and will be given out to all cachers. The person who gets the most answers correct will win a prize, or prizes if there is a draw.
I have got an ammo box for people to drop TB's and geocoins in to and take out of so that should hopefully be a good way of swapping trackables that need to move on.
The goody bags are bought, and although I don't know exactly what will be in them yet, I can say that there is going to be a trackable Jacaru event coin in them.
Finally, on the Saturday evening at 10.00pm I am hoping that, weather permitting, we can release 10 chinese lanterns, just as our way of marking 10 years of geocaching.

Finally, after mentioning that I wasn't sure about having another Border Collie coin made, and yet more emails this last few days asking me to do one, I have decided on a picture that I am going to eventually use for it. This is a photograph of the latest puppy, Fen, it does beg to become a coin. What do you think?
Well, that's it for now, but in the words of that famous Californian governor ~ I'll be back.
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